Lars* Kollros
BackLars* Kollros, born in 1979, grew up in the northern Black Forest and studied electrical engineering and sociology in Pforzheim, Monchengladbach and Duisburg.
From 2017 to 2023, Lars* studied fine arts in Dorit Margreiter s video and video installation studio. Lars* completed his studies with honors. The diploma thesis Action and Interaction was awarded the appreciation prize of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.
Lars* is currently studying Art and Cultural Studies at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna and is working on his diploma thesis on Contemporary Perspectives on Post-Pornography - Sexuality, Body and Gender .
Since 2023 Lars* is working on their dissertation of philosophy at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna with the topic Transition and dissolution of subject, body, gender and sexuality between the physical, virtual and hybrid-extended space .
Lars* is genderqueer and does not prefer pronouns or the English singular they/them.
Lars* founded the punk label RilRec in 2007, wrote for a music magazine for many years and has long been involved in photography and moving images.
Lars* made the cinema documentary Festival of Democracy for the G20 summit in Hamburg in 2017, which accompanied the protests and exposed the massive violations of fundamental rights by the police.
What is essential in the projects and works is the intersection of body-political issues and media discourses - how they relate to each other, influence each other or can no longer be separated from each other: The body as a medium and the media as extensions that constitute and localize the body in a specific concept of space and time. What is often at the center of this is also the inherent logic of the media apparatuses. The works are usually political and participate in contemporary discourse. Post-pornography meets post-humanism.
Lars* lives and works in Vienna and has been represented internationally at numerous exhibitions and festivals for years.""
Editions 2024
Parallel Productions