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Rosa Knecht

Uber Lack

Product Description

“I now tried to wash off the varnish that was not yet dry. But it only spread more. It transferred to my hands and the more I worked the corrosive coating with my hands trying to remove it, the more the varnish crept from my fingertips to my palms, and then up the backs of my hands to my forearms. (…) The more I scrubbed, the more the lacquer bonded with my skin texture. They became one. And now I was you, too.
You, with your smooth surface, flawless, shiny, caustic and sticky.”

The video is based on a text I wrote that has the same title and tries to depict the burden of passed-on Traumas. It was created in close collaboration with Paulina Aumayr, who appears in the video.

Year: 2023

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