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Hazel Hughes


Product Description

C-Print, framed
Size: 37,7 x 28,3 cm. Frame size: 51 x 41 cm

Playing around with flicking light switches on/off, it struck me how dramatically the whole mood changes in an instant. Truth. Six weeks ago my hope and strength were renewed; new medications had given me a glimmer, enough to totally transform the internal picture. Then, the scene changed again and the health gains were lost.

I m learning to recognise the rhythms of my body, and to remind myself that I know all it takes is a single switch and the fairylights bring the whole scene to life again. The trick is to just. Keep. Moving until we land on treatment that brings meaningful relief.
Year: 2023

Additional Information

Dimensions 41 × 51 cm
Width: 41 cm
Height: 51 cm

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