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Nayarí Castillo & Hanns Holger Rutz

Swap Rogues

Product Description

A Rogue is a thing that lives with you, a multi-sensory and multi-modal object, perhaps sitting somewhere, in an exhibition space, or a private space, or outside waiting for the birds. Nobody has seen or heard a Rogue yet, but it is estimated that their size is somewhere in the magnitude of a human child. Like other creatures
one might be of different dimensions than the other. A Rogue is a thing that emits sound and image, it takes in sensations of its surroundings. It is not a surveillance device, its senses are, for example,
touch, proximity, and light. It is a body with rudimentary organs, they are part of an experiment. When there are several Rogues in a space, one (or they) can make connections between them. A Rogue grows a memory of its place, accumulating sensor data, employing algorithms, adopting fragments of data from other Rogues.They obtain their name from multiple origins.

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